Inhale Confidence - Exhale Doubt
Hi, Helen Here! I have read a lot of books on how to build a successful business. I have read an extensive range of “how to” books for a range of different entrepreneurs. Believe it or not, every book I have read has at least had one chapter about confidence and how it is the key to success. Confidence plays a major role in everyone’s lives, it is said that people with high levels of confidence expect and experience greater success. How we think and feel about ourselves has an enormous impact on how we perform in our business. But you must be asking yourself, why is confidence the key to success for my business? Well, I like to say that confidence is defined as how strongly you believe in your capabilities to learn new skills, perform at a certain level, attain a goal or achieve your own definition of success. It is no secret that confidence is the most important psychological contributor to performance in the business world because you may have all of the ability i...