The 3 R's of Social Media

Hi - Helen Here, Social media is an important tool for websites and businesses of all types, as it can help boost a website’s audience by a huge margin. Developing Your Social Media Campaign. Here are the three R’s for smart social media use . Reliability Respect Reciprocation RELIABILITY: Consistency is vital on the web, and it is a very important aspect of building your brand online . Whenever you use social media sites, you should work to build a reputation of reliability. In doing so, you should focus on both frequency and quality. The same goes for consistency in the quality of your content . You should work on having frequent posts, but quality should be your first priority. RESPECT: Respect is vital in the social media world, and it is another big part of building your brand . In order to attract more followers, you will need to project professionalism in your social media work. Sometimes, your content can be very quirky and weird...